The Parts Department at Island Hino maintains a large inventory of high-quality genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer parts. Our knowledgeable staff is here to answer your parts questions. If the part you’re looking for isn’t in stock, we can order it for you – and we’ll also let you know how long it’ll take to reach us. Most parts (there are always exceptions, of course) usually arrive within a week.
If you know the name or inventory number of the part you need, call us and a Parts Department expert will be happy to help you.
We’re here to answer any questions you might have so give us a call or stop by. Our doors are open weekdays from 7 am – 5:00 pm.
Parts: 778-426-8554
* required information
Upon submitting your information we will respond to you within 24 business hours
Your privacy is important to us.
Island Hino Truck Sales takes your privacy seriously and does not rent or sell your personal information to third parties without your consent. Read our privacy policy.
Hino’s Parts Warranty.
Hino offers a 3 year, unlimited mileage warranty on all Hino replacement parts, installed at any Hino dealership across Canada. This industry-leading warranty is another example of how we are dedicated to providing Hino Genuine Parts and committed to protecting your investment. A 1-year, unlimited mileage warranty applies for Hino parts sold over the counter.
1947 Canso Rd, North Saanich, BC V8L 5V5 | 778-426-2684